We're here to help! Creating A Bridge Between All Medicines
Get wellness your way- we recognize there is no one way to heal. Working with our Holistic Health Coach & Clinically trained Herbalist, you’ll uncover your specific herbs, supplements, nutritional coaching, stress management tools, how to detox and more. A clear path to healing, naturally.
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Our Mission: Create A Bridge Between All Medicines
Sovereign Healing Co. is here to support and empower you to practice making confident and informed choices- in healthcare, at home, while shopping & beyond..
Our functional care allows you to relate and implement holistic methods & products to begin healing right away! We are a trusted resource for education and use of various healing modalities including: Western Herbalism, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Physical Therapy, Genetics, Mindfulness, Faith, Aromatherapy, Non-Toxic Hygiene and Holistic Living.
We are passionate about providing tools & building awareness to live a Sovereign lifestyle, in alignment with Divine Nature, instead of chronically stressed & overwhelmed.
Contact us today! All messaging and care is 100% confidential.